Despite Crazy Winter Conditions!
The months of December, January, and February were busy ones for the members of Northeast Multisport. Despite record snowfall and cold, we still managed to rack up the miles in the pool, on our bike trainers, on the roads, and treadmills by participating in the USAT National Challenge Competition. Forty-one members brought our mileage to a staggering total of 59,550 miles (weighted) over a three month period. Our club came in second place in the Northeast Region and third place nationally for Division Three.
Club member Zuzana Trnovcova led the women 25-29 (41st out of ALL of the athletes in the entire country!) while Steve Vargo placed second for men 25-29 (37th out of ALL the athletes in the entire country!).
There were more than 3,000 participants from 134 clubs competing this year. Way to go NEMS!!