NEMS had a great showing at the Champion Systems Team Challenge at the MultiSport World Conference & Expo in Cambridge, MA on March 19th. The event consisted of a 5K run, 6.1 mile indoor time trial ride, and a 1600 meter relay swim. 4 members from NEMS competed in each event. The 5K runners included Andrew Levine, Colin Cook, Chad Quinlan, and Adam Crowley. Nate Thomas, Chris Poulos, Glen Lord, and Rob Charest competed in the bike time trial, while Dustin Delantar, Glen Lord, Nate Thomas, and Colin Cook competed in the swim relay. Here is some video from the competition:




We are very proud to have received 2nd place overall in the team competition. For more details about the results, click here. This worked out great because we received a $100 gift certificate from Champion Systems, which was just in time for our order of gear from them. Way to go everyone!

Besides the team competition, the MultiSport World Conference & Expo was a great event and it was terrific to see so many members of NEMS there. Some members took advantage of some of the great clinics they offered throughout the day and some attended some of seminars. The event also featured guest speaker Dave Scott, 6x Ironman World Champion, which a lot of NEMS members stuck around for.