5 NEMS members raced over the weekend and they all did fantastic! 4 members raced at the King Pine Tri in Madison, NH and another member raced in the Spring Fling Triathlon in Tyngsboro, MA on Sunday. At King Pine, despite the cold conditions, Liz Hall took 1st Overall for the women! Liz had terrific splits in all three disciplines and smoked the competition. Way to go Liz!!! On the men’s side, Chris Poulos, Brent Osborn, and Rick Goguen all did great. Chris put up great bike and run splits as usual, earning him 7th overall and 2nd in his age group. Brent Osborn finished right behind Chris in 8th overall to take 1st in his age group with the 2nd fastest swim of the day overall. Rick Goguen used his strong run to take 28th overall.


While they were off killing it in Madison, NH, Greg Indruk was busy tearing up in Tyngsboro, MA. Greg had terrific splits across the board, which earned him 6th overall and 2nd in his age group. Awesome job Greg!

Lastly, Chris Veilleux competed on an Ultra team in the Reach the Beach Massachusetts. His 6 man team covered 202 miles in a little over 26 hours to place 4th in their division. Way to go Chris! Hopefully NEMS will have a team competing in something like this next year.

Hopefully we’ll have some pictures from these events soon, but outstanding job everyone!