Within two weeks, we’ve had over 35 members compete in 5 races! With a great showing at Rev3 Quassy, to the Raid Rockingham, White Mountain Half, USAT Long-Course National Championship, and finishing strong with the local Greater Nashua Y Tri. Several members grabbed podium finishes, had personal bests, and lots of great first time efforts.

Rev3 Quassy

Olympic and Half Ironman races down in Lake Quassapaug in Middlebury, Connecticut.

Norman Kim coming out of the water

Lucas Pozzetta focused on T1

Thumbs up and smiles from Stephanie Kaminaris

Lucas Pozzetta biking to a 2nd place overall finish

Greater Nashua Y Tri

A beautiful day in Merrimack NH.  Cool water, rolling hills and smooth pavement helped everybody have a great time at Camp Sargent.

NEMS at 2014 Greater Nashua Y Tri

Panorama of transition