As could be expected, NEMS had a huge end to the season in October and November! Members packed in the events.
Among the events at home members took on the Baystate, Loco, Manchester City, and Smuttynose courses, while others traveled to the Marine Corps and Philadelphia Marathons.
NEMS members also represented at events across the country: Ironman Arizona, Ironman Louisville, Ironman Maryland, Ironman North Carolina. Check out our member’s recap of the Louisville race!
3 of our members even qualified for and raced in the 2016 Ironman World Champion at Kona! Huge congratulations to Colin Cook, Jim Piper, and Randy Clark for such inspirational accomplishments! You can read Colin’s full Kona race report here.
Of course, somewhere in there, members did find time to come together for the end of year party to celebrate the 2016 season. How strange it is too see each other in non-workout clothes!?